miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Edward Scissorhands

I love movies! Actually, I love going to the cimena; it’s one of my favorite things! From time to time I go to there with my boyfriend. The last time we went was like a week ago; when we saw “Inception”. That’s an excellent movie! I’m waiting to see it again!

Sometimes, I buy movies, but the “pirates” kind because they are cheaper than the originals. One of the movies that I have in my collection is “Edward Scissorhands”…my favorite movie! I love Tim Burton’s movie!

This one It’s about an artificial man named Edward, who is an unfinished creation, with scissors instead of hands. He meets a nice woman who takes him to live with her and her family to the suburbs. There he falls in love with Kim, the teenage daughter of the family. At first, Edward it’s not accepted by the citizens, because they found him extremly freak! But while the movie progresses insteresting things happen.

I have seen this movie so many times that I can’t say how many…I totally recommend it! I think this movie only has good things, for the more that I try I can’t find anything weak about this movie. The story it’s beautiful, the dialogues are very well done and the scenes are amazing! The mix between the aesthetics and the music will leave you speechless! The movie immersed to the audience to a new exciting world. Where the darkness of Edward’s house contrasts with the colorful and uniform of the rest of the town in a delightful way!

I think this is one of those movies that you simple should see!!! You’ll not regret!

sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010

A great city full of great places

I live in Santiago since I came in to college. It’s been almost four years since then! But sometimes I still feel like a foreigner. Maybe that’s because recommend a foreigner tourist places to visit in Santiago it’s a little bit hard!

First, if you like history and arts you should go to the Pre-Columbian Art Museum. Where is keep the artistic legacy of American pre-Columbian peoples. It’s an interesting place full of surprises.

Then you can visit the Metropolitan Park is a beautiful place in the Saint Cristobal’s hill. It’s ideal for jogging, mountain bike and have a panoramic view of the city. I like it because it’s a great way of have contact with nature. Also you can travel by cable car!

Near of this place is Venecia! I recommend it because it’s my favorite restaurant. It’s a delicious restaurant of typical Chilean food where Pablo Neruda used to go, so it’s filled with pictures of him. And if you want to know more about him to can visit his house: La Chascona. It’s a ship-shaped house, you have to see it!

Finally, if you want souvenirs. Go to the craft center Santa Lucia, where there’s millions of precious things, since ornaments until hand-woven clothing.

I think a thing you should do when you are getting to know a new place is walking! And while you’re doing that, take pictures of everything you like!

Also, If you are a foreigner tourist to have to be careful with the food carts you find in the street. Some of them aren’t very hygienic! And watch out with the prices! Some people might want to take advantage of you …

And at last…enjoy!!! A new place it’s a new chance of discover a whole new world, with different culture and different people =)

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

Music, music, music...

Music is very important for me. Actually the name of my blog is the name of a great album!

The first thing I do when I wake up is to turn on the radio because with the music on my day has a better start. When I heard music, I feel like if I had the energy that the melodies contain, so it makes me want to sing.

I have tons of music in my computer. The music I love the most is rock and pop, with all the mixes between them. But I don’t have a favourite music group…maybe that’s because I think it’s too hard to make a choice! One thing that I know is that I dislike some types of music like the tropical.

It has been a while since I don’t go to a concert; I’m hoping to go to see the Smashing Pumpkins in November (that’s if I get the money for the ticket first!). Talking about money…I don’t buy CD’s, they are too expensive, I prefer to download music from the internet.

I can’t pick a song I would like to be…it depends on the day and how I’m feeling. I love music, but I’m really bad at it. I can’t sing and I don’t play any instrument! I want to learn since I was a little girl meanwhile I’ll keep singing with my niece and my nephew!

Without music the world would bitter and dark because without music there are no dance either!

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Dreaming of Paris...

Since I was little I have thought about make a travel to Europe and now that I’m young I really hope to do it some day when I’ll have the miens. Choosing just a country to meet it’s very hard for me, but if I have to choose I would have to say France. Maybe I choose it for the things that I now about it: the pictures I have seen, the documentaries of the place, the food and the people. But, what I most love about France is that is a very cultural country. I love the french music and also the french films like the ones of Jean-Luc Godard.
If I were there I would love to visit the Eiffel Tower, the Triumph Arch, the restaurants and the coffee shop. I would like walk on the streets taking pictures of everything I may see, get into every museum and theater I would find and even stop in every corner and every place with live music.
But even I would love to go, I’m not sure about if I woul
d like to live there forever, I would miss my country: the people, the food and the culture. However, study or work in Paris for example sounds very interesting and exciting, especially because I would have the time and money to enjoy about every corner I can.